When I was young and I got my first bike, my parents put training wheels on it, and let me go. After a while, they would take the training wheels off and I’d have to learn to ride on two wheels on my own. I eventually figured it out, but what if there was a better way? An easier way?
It is about time for E to get his first bike. Instead of going the traditional route and buying him a bike with training wheels, I decided to go the balance bike route. Balance bikes are becoming the newest way to teach your child to ride a two-wheel bike. One of these bikes is the PlasmaBike, which was developed by the makers of PlasmaCar.
PlasmaBike is free of batteries, gears, and pedals so that children as young as 18 months can enjoy the freedom of riding a 2-wheeled bike without the complication of training wheels or having to keep their balance for too long. These bikes help build kids’ confidence and boost their self-esteem.
Unlike some of the other balance bikes that are on the market, PlasmaBike features extra-wide wheels and limited steering range to enhance balancing capabilities and allow your child to transition more easily to a 2-wheeled bike. I like the fact that the wide wheels keep the bike from tipping over when stopped or in a stationary position. This way, when E stops riding he doesn’t have to worry about the bike falling over on him.
I can’t wait for E to wake up Christmas morning and see the PlasmaBike under the tree. The only downside is that since we live in Western Pennsylvania we are going to have to wait for a nice day in order to take it outside for a test ride. In the meantime, we will have to settle for practicing inside!
Are you thinking of teaching your child to ride a 2-wheeler this year? If you are, the you really should con side the PlasmaBike. You can purchase one at Amazon or at many specialty toy stores.
Trying to find the perfect gift for your loved ones this holiday season? If so, check out Third Stop on the Right’s 2014 Holiday Gift Guide.