Thank you Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board for sponsoring this post. Learn more about how you can prevent underage drinking at

It is a scary world out there. I want the best for my children, but I know there are so many forces out there working against me. It’s terrifying.

In fact, one in three kids has tried alcohol before the age of 8. Let that sink in. Age 8. That’s the age of my son and his friends. This means that my friends and I need to be extra vigilant because most of us don’t think of underage drinking this young. Because of this, we don’t keep the alcohol as secure as we should.

It’s alarming. And it’s scary.

Underage drinking is a widespread and serious problem across the United States. However, ages 8 to 11 is the most receptive to parents’ input, and most parents in Pennsylvania believe it’s their job to educate their children about alcohol. In fact, it is our responsibility as parents to serve as a responsible role model for children.

We should be using everyday opportunities and circumstances to discuss the risks and consequences of underage drinking.

This means that there doesn’t have to be one intimidating “talk.”

With this trend toward first experiences and first exposures it is not only imperative as parents to secure their alcohol, but also to inform our kids of the risks involved in underage drinking.

This is why the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board developed the Know When. Know How. campaign. This campaign focuses on the prevention of underage drinking by providing information and tools for parents so they can begin early educating their children about responsible drinking. It has been built around positive and informative messages for parents to use in order to better understand the issues of underage drinking as well as the issues that alcohol can harm.

My sons mean the world to me which is why it is important to protect them, especially since they are so young and impressionable.

To find out more about the Know When. Know How. Campaign, visit the following website,

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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