Then I had my baby.
That’s when I realized how messy babies can be. I’m not talking just with toys and food, but with some of the messiest diapers you could imagine.
The thing about these messy diapers is that cheap wipes are no match for them. I’m pretty sure that there were times where I used at least 20 wipes to clean up an especially bad diaper.
One particularly funny mishap was when we were at the pharmacy when Little E was just a few months old. We had been having a little bit of trouble with constipation. Of course, there we wetre at the pharmacy counter when Little E decided he had to poop. We began straining so hard that he actually made himself throw up — all over the pharmacy counter!
As I am frantically pulling out wipes to clean off the counter, Little E decides that it is a perfect time to poop. And by poop I mean completely filling the diaper … and then some.
So there I am trying to clean the counter off and then I have to turn around and try to contain the diaper blow-out my son had. We eventually got it all cleaned up, but needless to say that it was more than embarrassing.
For messes like these, cheap diapers and wipes just won’t cut it. This is why I always depend on Huggies diapers and One and Done wipes to take care of my big messes. The best part about the Huggies One and Done wipes is that it only takes a fraction of the wipes that I would otherwise use. Plus, Huggies wipes keep blowouts like the one I experienced from happening.
I am able to purchase items such as a variety of Huggies diapers and wipes, as well as Pull Ups and Goodnights training pants at my local Walmart Neighborhood Market. I’m not only able to pick up everything I need in one place, but also at a great price.
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